Score 4 The Planet, 4 The Life, 4 Peace
a global ecological game + seeking 1 billion signers
citizen's name
As a citizen of this exquisite and endangered biosphere, it is an honor to help defend it. Therefore — to extend the life of our dying
planet so that humans and other species can have more fun — I hereby affirm these four 1% goals.
My goal is to support environmental organizations and non-profit teams that protect the Earth — with 1% or more of my time* or income.* 1% of one's time equals 1.5 hours (based on 150 hour work-month). *
Environmental orgs and Teams are ultra important defenders of the Earth in the courts, media, government and community.
team notes
My goal is to speak, write, create media or eco art to inform, inspire or reward actions that help the Earth — with 1% or more of my time*.Every Earth lover can be a powerful grassroots force for the planet by using their words and talents in a passionate or Artful way.
art notes
My goal is to use logic and science to make the most Earth friendly lifestyle, consumer and work decisions — 1% or more of the time.Eco Logic and science is an exciting journey into the future personal and global benefits of our eco actions and lifestyle choices.
logic notes
My goal is to explore and embrace the love, beauty, wisdom and wit of the Earth's species and ecosystems — with 1% or more of my time*.Time in nature, spiritual and science studies, and eco arts are ways to connect with the web-of-life's essential wisdoms and Love.
love notes
Print or save your XOECA as a PDF, JPG or from this page as HTML. Sign and enter your monthly percentages (or check marks) into the LOG cells of each month. Post your XOEarth Citizens Accord at home, work and play. Join XOEarth Facebook to connect with others and build the movement. Invite others to join, and give XOEarth Honors and Perkz to others for meeting their goals. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
~~~ Tips For Printing The XOEarth Citizens Accord ~~~To print the HTML version, set your browser to a smaller font size if the whole EA does not fit on one page. Use the "Print Preview" under the "File" menu to see if it fits on your paper.Here are the links to print or save your XOECA as a PDF, JPG or from this page as HTML. The JPG version can be used as a computer or smart phone background. The JPG or the PDF versions can be edited.
~~~ XOEarth Citizens Accord Backgrounds ~~~Here are some other background choices for your XOEarth Citizens Accord if you print it from this HTML page.To add a background COLOR below — first click on "NO IMAGE" above. Also, the intense colors below usually look much better when they are printed. PRINTING BACKGROUNDS: Here are two ways to make your printer include the background pictures and colors. 1] Set your browser to "print background" in the "tools", "options", "advanced" and/or "preferences" dialog boxes. 2] Set your printer to "print background" in its "properties" or "options" dialog boxes. Some printers do not have this option. If you prefer to write out your XOEarth Citizens Accord goals instead of printing them out that's great too!
~~~ XOEarth Citizens Accord 4%+ Retro Member Card ~~~Below is the retro XOEarth Citizens Accord 4%+ member card. We will make an updated version if you asked us to. Print, cut-out and fold the card in the middle. Use your ECA card to show others your eco promise to the planet and those you love. |